Yakima Celebrates Local Business This Saturday!
This weekend is it! Saturday specifically, from 10 am to 4 pm. and "it" being time to Spring Into Downtown! Wait, didn't we do this in the fall...Small Business Saturday? Yup, and it worked out so well that the Downtown Association of Yakima has decided to do it again in the Spring...like THIS Saturday!
Executive Director of the Downtown Association of Yakima (DAY) Andrew Holt and his Promotions Committee Director, Sierra Hutton were guests On KIT's Morning News show to talk about the details.
There are three locations where you can get registered and pick up a passport listing the 47 business participating in this Spring's event. The locations are the offices of the Downtown Association at 14 S. 1st Street Yakima, WA 98901 (509-571-1328) and in the parking lots of Wheatland Bank, 201 E Yakima Ave #101 and Cashmere Valley Bank, 127 W Yakima Ave Yakima.
Once you pick up a passport, you go about your business visiting local businesses, collecting stamps on your passport as you do. Five store visits gets you five stamps on your passport and that, plus the proof of purchase of some kind, puts you into the DAY sponsored drawing for prizes and gift baskets. Each of the 47 businesses on board will have their own special deals and incentives to reward your in-store participation.
However, you don't have to be playing the passport program to enjoy the benefits of in-store deals. Everyone is encouraged to visit and shop downtown from ten a.m. to four p.m. this coming Saturday May 15th. The Downtown Association of Yakima website is a good place to start planning for your weekend.
Director Holt says many of our local business have weathered the COVID storm but there have been business losses and some are on the ropes. He encourages as many of us as possible to shop downtown this Saturday.
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