Truck Accident Blocks Traffic West Of Cle Elum
The East side of the Cascades has experienced plenty of windy weather this spring and summer- but could the wind have played a roll in a roll-over semi truck wreck today near Cle Elum?
As of 4:30 today (7/18/19) WSP investigators weren't yet declaring a cause of the accident that occurred about 13 miles West of Cle Elum.
Trooper Jeff Anderson told KIT that the female driver of the truck was shaken up but didn't appear to be seriously injured in the crash. A witness to the event, Emily Stephenson, took these pictures as the accident happened right in front of her. Emily is the daughter of KIT and Town Square Media operations manager Brian Stephenson.
Emily told KIT that the unidentified truck driver lost her shoes and that she gave her an extra pair.
Trooper Anderson said the truck blocked traffic for a short period of time but they were able to drag it to the side of the road and quickly get the line moving.
The truck driver had a cat on board who was also uninjured but unhappy with this afternoon's turn of events!
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