The Virtual DNC-What Did You Think – Or Did You Even Watch?
Well, what did you think? Did you watch any of the Virtual Democrat National Convention? I did and I was predictably disappointed and even outraged. I have seen enough from traditional politicians of both parties to know what to expect but I still get mad when people lie to my face. And there was plenty of that!
Of course the highlight of the night was former First Lady Michelle Obama telling us how Build Back Better Biden is the answer to all our problems. Truth is, back in February of last year, Mrs. O was seen as a possible equal contender with Joe.
"Feb-2019 - - "Former first lady Michelle Obama tied with former Vice President Joe Biden as the top choice among Democratic voters when asked who should be the party's nominee in 2020....Obama has said she is not running, and Biden has not announced whether he will launch another White House bid."
But M.O. said no and Joe gave it a belated go and the rest is history as we all know!
So Michelle was pitching UNITY and Joe Biden. Economy, race, health, education, you name it and Joe can fix it...except he didn't with nearly 50 years in office and 8 of those as President Obama's Vice President.
The reactions to the Mrs Obama speech were as expected. Great speech, she's so awesome but when you get done gushing, can you check the honesty of her facts and comments please.
She starts out "you know I hate politics so let me be as clear and honest as I possibly can." Mostly downhill after that. She even had the nerve to talk about Trump splitting up families and putting kids in cages at the border. NEWSFLASH...those were the same facilities created and used by her husband and the first photos used to try to embarrass Trump and outrage America were photos from her husbands administration.
As clear and honest as she possibly can? That was just one of many. How many fell for it or nodded along in agreement? Maybe not too many since the ratings were down significantly over 2016.
Inded Politico reported a new poll found that it's not that many and ratings bore that out. The Politico/Morning Consult survey found that only about one-third of voters plan to watch them. Specifically, 36 percent said they will watch the Democratic Convention -- For the Republican convention, slightly fewer, 32 percent, said they plan to watch.
The Hollywood reporter checked the ratings and found "Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — viewers on ABC, CBS, NBC, off by 42 percent ...Cable news made up some of the difference, with MSNBC leading the 10 p.m. ET hour with 5.1 million viewers. CNN averaged 4.78 million and Fox News 2.1 million. The combined 11.98 million viewers was off by 16 percent from 2016."
Maybe it's the virus caused social distanced presentation, or lack of enthusiasm. Maybe Joe will pack them in on Thursday?
Trending Politics put together a low-lights reel in case you missed the show, the highlight of which was the TV ad for Baltimore Congressional candidate Republican Kimberly Klacik, running for Elijah Cummings old seat. It's spot on.
Night two straight ahead...Not sure if I can take it!
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