The Valley’s Economy – How Did We Do & How WILL We Do This Year?
Coming up tomorrow on Newstalk KIT we'll have a conversation with the Yakima Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is hosting a Monday luncheon featuring an Economic Review of 2017 and a Forecast for the year ahead.
The scheduled speakers:
Cliff Moore, City Manager - City of Yakima
Donald W. Meseck, Regional Labor Economist - Washington State Employment Security Department
Jonathan Smith, President - Yakima County Development Association
John Cooper, President - Yakima Valley Tourism
Donald W. Meseck, Regional Labor Economist - Washington State Employment Security Department
Jonathan Smith, President - Yakima County Development Association
John Cooper, President - Yakima Valley Tourism
Moderator - Pam Cleaver, CPA Moss Adams
Find out more about on the Morning News Friday at 7:45.