President-elect Donald Trump continues to assemble his cabinet and at the same time he makes his way throughout the rust belt to say thanks to the people who defied conventional wisdom to vote for him.  Supporters are optimistic and encouraged by his message to dream big. His detractors, well they’re not being silent either.  Tim Bryce, our Florida based businessman, consultant, blogger buddy weighs in on that in a new column called “The Attack Of The Wusses”.

Here’s a quote, “Since the general election ... I have kept an eye on the news regarding the push back to Mr. Trump's victory. Yes, I have seen the demonstrations and anarchist riots, the Grubhub boss who threatened to fire employees supporting Trump, people physically attacking Trump supporters, the Seattle councilwomen calling for a blockage of the presidential inauguration, the parodies of Trump on television, the "Hamilton" reprimand of Mr. Pence, the flag burnings, the invention of "Post-election anxiety" whereby service dogs and grieving counselors are provided for students, and that Mr. Obama may not go quietly into the night as other presidents have done before him.”

As usual, it’s a pretty good read and we encourage you to check it out.  Tim Bryce is a writer and the Managing Director of M&JB Investment Company (M&JB) of Palm Harbor, Florida and has over 40 years of experience in the management consulting field. He can be reached at

For Tim's columns, see:

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