The Lame Duck Session Is A Lame Idea
The failure of the Republican players to coalesce around the President and his agenda has left likely Republican voters with little faith in Congress's ability to get anything accomplished in the final days before the holidays.
According to a new Rasmussen poll, voters -including Republican voters- think the Lame-Duck session is a waste of time.
Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
- As the Republican control of Congress comes to an end, even voters in their own party have little faith their representatives will take advantage of these final weeks in the lame-duck session.
- A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 25% of all likely U.S. voters think lame-duck sessions of Congress produce important legislation, while nearly half (47%) think these sessions are a waste of time. Another 28% are not sure.
No wall, no new deal on health care, no immigration reform...the list goes on. What could have been!
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