If you are reading this on Thursday, chances are you’re gonna make it

We all gotta go sometime. Nobody gets out alive.  The only certainties are death and taxes.  We may joke about “the end” but it is out there for all of us…waiting.

While we may not want to think about it, the folks at Live Science got a hold of the numbers recently released from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and crunched them up to determine the daily cause of death between 1999 and 2014.

Homicides make the news but disease and injury drive the statistics.

They found the number of deaths on any given day is roughly equal at about 5.6 million. The top causes of death on weekends -which are particularly risky- car-crashes

Funeral of Entertainer Ronnie Corbett
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on Saturdays and gun-related deaths peaking on Saturdays and Sundays.

Additionally, death caused by contact with a venomous plants or animals was most-likely to happen on the weekend as well.

As for the rest of the week, cardiac-related deaths spiked on Monday, while death caused by flu or pneumonia peaked on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursday appears to be the safest day, as Thursdays had the fewest deaths from heart attacks, diabetes, and firearms. (Women's Health)

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