A recent U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement dispute panel is allowing Canada to continue restricting dairy access that the U.S. negotiated under the agreement.
The U.S. dairy industry celebrated last week’s decision which found Canada is improperly restricting access to U.S. dairy products, violating tariff-rate quota commitments in the U.S.-M-C-A.
The current supply chain crisis could irreparably harm American agriculture as customers around the world question the U.S. dairy industry’s reliability as a supplier.
USDA Ag Marketing Service purchased$50 million of pasteurized fluid milk. The milk will be distributed through food assistance programs and food banks.
U.S. Wheat Associates will close its office in Cairo, Egypt December 1. But will continue trade service to wheat buyers in Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region on a targeted basis. Canadian dairy policies were brought up during the recently concluded 4th round of NAFTA renegotiations. Meatpacker JBS reportedly has closed seven of its packing plants in Brazil.
U.S. dairy organizations are urging Japan to respect current trade relationships as they review the European Union’s list of common food names during trade talks. On Capitol Hill, a news conference highlighted a high-speed internet service plan to all Americans. EPA being urged to permanently abolish the embattled 2015 Waters of the United States rule.