Flu Activity Low Variant on The Rise So It’s Time For a ShotFlu Activity Low Variant on The Rise So It’s Time For a Shot You are invited to a COVID-19 and Flu shot clinic on Saturday in Sunnyside.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Prosser Memorial Health Holding Vaccine Clinic SaturdayProsser Memorial Health Holding Vaccine Clinic SaturdayAppointments are needed at the Prosser clinic. You can make an appointment at prosserhealth.org Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Virginia Mason Memorial Reduces Clinic HoursVirginia Mason Memorial Reduces Clinic HoursHealthyNow West Valley and the COVID Clinic at Creekside will remain open seven days per week from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m."Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Lower Yakima Valley Gets Specialty Medical ClinicLower Yakima Valley Gets Specialty Medical Clinic Virginia Mason Memorial announced the opening of the new Lower Valley Specialty Center bringing high quality specialty care to patients closer to their homes.Dave EttlDave Ettl