The USDA has temporarily suspended past-due debt collections and foreclosures for distressed borrowers under the Farm Storage Facility Loan and the Direct Farm Loan programs.
A second Senate resolution for “Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling” was introduced last week, but R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard is disappointed it’s taking so long.
Agricultural tourism continues to grow. Commodities such as grapes, fruit and nut trees, and specialty livestock had a positive impact on tourism revenues.
Trump dismissed concerns over a protracted trade war with China, as Beijing warned Washington’s labeling it a currency manipulator would lead to chaos in financial markets.
The drought conditions in the Midwest, pushing cattlemen to begin culling herds. Kansas counties are authorized the use of Conservation Reserve Program acres.
China countering U.S. protectionism "to the end, and at any cost," over proposed tariffs. Years of work to achieve U.S.-grown rice access to the Chinese market.