Japan will use U.S. ethanol to make ETBE, an oxygenate blended into fuel. It has a small carbon footprint that it can be used in up to 44% of Japan’s ETBE,
Have you ever eaten crickets? Eating insects just might help reduce our carbon footprint. A major company is testing cricket flour for use in snack foods.
Good news for Monsanto, WSJ reports that Argentina’s government resolved a dispute over GMO seed that will now allow biotech companies like Monsanto to collect royalties on crop genes. It is a temporary resolution as the government works through a law that will “preserve the rights of producers and sustainability of the industry” according Argentina Agriculture Minster...
Lawmakers are using a compromise highway bill to reverse crop insurance cuts that were part of the two-year budget agreement. The conference agreement of the House and Senate bills is expected to pass through Congress by Friday as lawmakers want to prevent programs from expiring...
During the Organic Trade Association luncheon last week - Montana Senator and organic farmer Jon Tester said advocates would have to work hard to achieve labeling of genetically modified foods. Tester says more farmers would transition to organic if land-grant colleges paid more attention to organics...