Social Media: Seems We Can’t Live With — or Without — It!
We complain about it. We see it as a threat and a divisive intrusion to an otherwise happy life -- and yet, we use it every day. Social media is often anything but social, however. According to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, more than two-thirds of us -- 70 percent -- still use social media daily.
"Pollsters said they were surprised by the high and relatively uniform dissatisfaction with social media across demographic and political groups."
The unhappiness includes the belief that social media is a threat to privacy and a strong majority said they believe social media does more to divide Americans then bring them together.
Nearly three-quarters of respondents said people giving up detailed information about their online behavior in exchange for free services, which is the basis for social media and much of the internet economy, is unacceptable.
The poll also found interest in wanting the government to do more regulate the behavior of social media companies.
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