**House Ag Committee Ranking Member David Scott is pushing back against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s debt limit framework.

Scott says, if that framework gets passed as proposed, it will include additional “punitive” WORK REQUIREMENTS for SNAP participation.

He says, holding food assistance hostage for those who depend on it, in exchange for increasing the debt limit, is a non-starter.

He points out the “ransom note” McCarthy unveiled is dead on arrival.

Balance Of Power At Stake As Midterm Elections Draw Near
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**The Ag Retailers Association is cautiously optimistic the Farm Bill gets written on time but worries the debt limit may interfere.

ARA’s Hunter Carpenter says it’s going to be tough this year with the farm bill coming up right as the debt ceiling discussion hits the deadline.

Among the important needs, the group wants the continuation of a strong farm safety net and crop insurance, and to maintain the current acreage dedicated to conservation programs.

Battleground State Of Iowa Prepares For Election Day
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**The USDA announced that ag producers and private landowners can now sign up for the Grassland Conservation Reserve Program through May 26.

Grassland CRP is a unique working lands program, allowing producers and landowners to continue haying and grazing while conserving grasslands and promoting plant and animal biodiversity as well as healthier soil.

More than 3.1 million acres were accepted through the 2022 Grassland CRP signup, the highest level ever.

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