Senate Fails to Move on Water Rules; Agriculture Deputy Secretary Stepping Down
The Senate failed to move forward with a veto override on the Waters of the U.S. disapproval resolution last week. Following the veto, the Senate considered an override, but the motion failed a cloture vote 52-40 as the Senate needed 60 votes in favor to override the veto. The legislation at issue falls under the Congressional Review Act, which gives lawmakers the power to overturn regulations. However, resolutions blocking federal rules are subject to a presidential veto and require a two-thirds majority for an override.
Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden announced that she plans to leave her position at the end of February. Michael Scuse, the undersecretary for farm and foreign agricultural services, will serve as acting deputy secretary and that Alexis Taylor, the current deputy undersecretary for farm and foreign Agricultural Services, will assume the duties of undersecretary. Harden did not give a reason for leaving, but said, “Today is bittersweet for me as I announce my decision to step down as deputy secretary at the end of February.”
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