Selah City Administrator Don Wayman and other Selah officials met with Yakima County Prosecutor Joe Brusic on Tuesday (5-12-20) to clarify each other's position on a recent Selah Mayoral proclamation.

Last week Mayor Sherry Raymond released an official message to Selah residents which, in a nutshell, said that she believed Governor Inslee has overreached his constitutional authority with his lock down rules and that Selah's police and administration were not going to act as an enforcement arm for the Governor.

Prosecutor Brusic was contacted by the Yakima Health District about the the mayors Proclamation and subsequently sent a letter to Selah saying that the Governor was within his legislative authority and cautioned Selah to not encourage the violation of Inslee's emergency orders.

Both sides got together to talk about it and while they didn't agree on all points, Selah City Administrator Don Wayman says it was a pretty good meeting.




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