Selah Officials Comfortable In Stand Against Gov’s Stay Home Order
A lot of cities across Eastern Washington are ready to get back to work and are seeing an increasing number rallies from residents who want their local governments to take a stand for the financial survival of the business community.
Donald Wayman is the City Administrator of Selah. He has nothing but praise and support for Selah City Mayor Sherry Raymond in her recent proclamation regarding Selah's reaction to Governor Inslee's Stay Home-Stay Healthy order.
On May 8th the Mayor signed her Proclamation resolving:
That, as the Mayor of Selah, I am hereby issuing my own Proclamation in order to clarify City policies and alleviate concerns.
The Governor does not have legal authority to force Selah's municipal employees--including police officers--to take action against anyone. Irrespective of whether the Governor's Proclamations are or are not constitutional and irrespective of whether such Proclamations are or are not logical, the simple fact is that Selah does not work for the Governor.
Those wishing to operate or patronize a business, to conduct or attend religious services, to use park facilities or to take any other action that was lawful prior to the Governor's proclamation will not be harassed, investigated or punished by any City of Selah employee.
All departments of the Selah municipal government remain open for business.
My prior Proclamation issued on March 13,2020 --which declared a state of emergency in Selah due to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)--remains in full force and effect. The state of emergency still exists. Municipal employees will continue to take measured and prudent steps to reduce the potential of exposure to the virus. Likewise, residents and business owners should do the same.
The Mayor was unavailable for comment this morning but Administrator Wayman called KIT to try to clear up any lingering misconceptions as to Selah's official stance.
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