Whimsical! See Real Reindeer in Yakima on December 7
This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many in the Yakima Valley.
Coastal Farm and Ranch teamed up with Purina to bring Santa's reindeer to Yakima on Tuesday, December 7th. From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. you can swing by Coastal Farm and Ranch for this free event to see the reindeer while enjoying hot cocoa and candy canes. Should be a lot of fun!
“This is one of our most popular events and we were heartbroken last year when we couldn’t bring the
reindeer to local kids. We are so excited to bring them back and
hope this event will make everyone’s holiday merry and bright.”
-Lori McKinnon, Coastal president
Find Coastal Farm and Ranch on the corner of 1st and Washington in Yakima. We'll see you there!