Roundup Cancer Questions and U.S. Chicken Production Up
**Republican lawmakers threaten to cut off U.S. funding for the World Health Organization's cancer research program over its finding the herbicide Roundup is probably carcinogenic to humans.
Agweb.com reports House Science Committee Chair Lamar Smith says the 2015 conclusion by the International Agency for Research on Cancer was fundamentally flawed and used cherry-picked science.
The Texas lawmaker says he’s concerned about anti-industry bias and a lack of transparency within the France-based program.
A separate review by the EPA concluded in December that Roundup is not likely to cause cancer at typical levels of exposure.
**As if Americans didn’t already have enough chicken on the menu, production of the nation’s most-popular meat is headed for its biggest growth spurt in over a decade.
According to agupdate.com, companies like Tyson and Sanderson Farms are leading an industry expansion with new processing plants from Tennessee to Texas, fueled by years of profit gains from cheap feed grain and record demand.
Sanderson estimates the industry’s production will increase 3% annually from 2019 through 2021.
**Crop prices may be showing some signs of life, but that’s of little comfort for American farmers who are forecast to see their incomes fall to a 12-year low.
Agweb.com reports the Wednesday USDA forecast predicts profits will drop 6.7 percent this year to $59.5 billion in 2018. That’s the lowest since 2006 and would be down 52 percent from a record $123.8 billion in 2013.
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