Rainstorms Give California Farmers Hope and Farm Bill Hearings Begin
**While many farmers suffered crop losses, the deluge of storms has stirred hopes for a better water-supply after three years of severe drought and water cuts.
In the Sacramento Valley, Northern California Water Association president, David Guy says, growers are feeling encouraged with deep snow in the Sierra Nevada’s and long-depleted reservoirs recovering.
Sacramento Valley Ag income plummeted last year as vast rice acreage was fallowed due to a lack of water.
**To kick off a set of farm bill hearings, Senators Debbie Stabenow and John Boozman will hold the first today, titled, "Farm Bill 2023: Trade and Horticulture."
Stabenow and Boozman say, we’re both looking forward to a collaborative process with all Senators to deliver a strong Farm Bill.
Three other hearings will be: February 9 on Commodity Programs, Crop Insurance and Credit, February 16 on Nutrition Programs, and March 1 on Conservation and Forestry Programs.
**Public health advocacy groups filed a lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration challenging the refusal to phase out unnecessary uses of antibiotics in animal agriculture.
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