Prosser Memorial Hospital Has Vaccination Availability
According to the national media, you know those guys..."fairness is overrated"...yah, those guys....(sigh)...well, according to them, more than half of all eligible adult Americans have gotten the Coronavirus vaccine. However, there are still millions of people who are hesitating over safety concerns (as well as other political and control considerations.)
Clinics and vaccines are available in Yakima and the surrounding area including in Prosser where Doctor Robert Wenger is the Medical Director of the Emergency Department at Prosser Memorial Hospital. He is well versed in all things Covid and he was a guest on KIT's Morning News radio program today. 4/23/21.
Dr. Robert Wenger says people are welcome in the Prosser clinic where about 10-thousand folks have been vaccinated so far and they have room for more, especially this weekend.. They would like to see an additional 12-hundred patients come through for the Moderna shot but appointments are required to help keep things moving and a reminder that Moderna is limited to patients 18 years of age and up.
Dr. Wenger says he has confidence in the safety of the vaccines and doesn't see there use now as any kind of a human guinea pig experiment. He says the medical community's review of Johnson and Johnson's vaccine is a sign of how much care and caution is being applied in the quality control and delivery of vaccines.
Dr. Wegner says the vaccine delivery technology isn't new but it's application against a live virus is. He also says the vaccines haven't lacked for clinical trials but instead of multiple phases tested consecutively, Corona virus tests have been run concurrently.