On Line Daters Aim High…Too High?
Full disclosure--my awesome mother-in-law met her amazing husband on a dating website. They hit it off right away and have been a happy couple for years. Not all on-line dating stories follow this path. While the seem to be a perfect match, the latest studies show dating apps might make people "super optimistic".
I am living proof people can successfully date and marry people much better looking than themselves! So I can't blame others from trying to do the same. Researchers from the University of Michigan used a computer algorithm to identify which users of a dating app were considered most attractive. (got the most messages)
Using the same technology they figured out where all other users ranked in terms of attractiveness and when they plugged it all in they found that 25 percent of all users were seeking potential dates who were obviously more attractive than themselves.
Study authors say there can be a lot of difference in terms of who is desirable to whom and they acknowledge there are people who would not necessarily score high on the test's attractiveness scale that could still have an "awesome and fulfilling dating life." (Daily Mail)
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