Non-Profits Invited To Apply For Hop Fest Grant Money
First they throw a huge party and then they pass out the profits. That's the way it works for the Fresh Hop Group, a non-profit organization that produces the annual Fresh Hop Ale Festival in Yakima.
The grant program, now in its fifth year, benefits Yakima County non-profit organizations with projects or programs that focus on arts and science. Organizations are specifically encouraged to submit applications for projects that allow the residents of Yakima County to have access to the arts, music and science-based activities.
Last year, the Fresh Hop Group awarded over $100,000 in grants to the Yakima Valley Museum, The Seasons Performance Hall, Yakima Maker Space, the Yakima-Morelia Sister City Association, the Yakima Folklife Association, the Sagebrush Film Festival, Wenas Mammoth Foundation, the Yakima Symphony Orchestra, the Capitol Theatre, YAMA and others.
Grant applications should be submitted online through the Fresh Hop Ale Festival web site at https://freshhopalefestival.com/grants/ Completed applications must be submitted by Monday, December 9. Grant awards will be made in February 2020.
For more information on the Fresh Hop Group, contact the organization via email at yakimafreshhop@gmail.com.
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