The Patriot Post is opinion and informational gold for flag waving conservatives. Well reasoned pieces on all the hot button issues of the day.  I share stories from the site from time to time and I'm compelled to do it again.

I don't recognize the profession of television news any more after a 20+ year career spent covering local news and training the many first time reporters who passed through the doors of a half dozen small market newsrooms in which I worked.

It's getting worse and the Coronavirus crises has resulted in some "point of no return" moments for me including what can only be described as the national media cheering for the virus and negative outcomes if anything else reflects more positively on the President or his administration.

But more than that, there ARE plenty of stories worthy of telling that the national media chooses simply to ignore:

"But thanks for the story about people who made a little girl’s birthday a little brighter by having a “drive-by party” wherein a bunch of her friends’ parents drove cars by her house so their kids could wave, shout “Happy Birthday,” and blow kisses. Wait a minute — I got that from my local news. You gave me the news about some college kids partying on the beach."

These example just skim the surface of the article. I urge you to give it a read and see if it doesn't capture your frustrations with the short-sighted and self-serving approach we see from our constitutionally protected precious press corp.  Then subscribe.

If you disagree, call us and make your case, on the radio. 972-5481. Thanks.

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