Mexico Has A New President With Implications For America
The second half of 2018 begins with a big change to the south of us. Leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was elected Mexico's new president on July 1st.
Voters fed up with corruption and violence ousted the governing Institutional Revolution Party of President Enrique Pena Nieto in favor of Lopez Obrador who has vowed to oust what he called the "mafia of power" ruling Mexico. Last night the new president said,"this new national project will seek to establish an authentic democracy ... we do not intend to establish a dictatorship....The changes will be profound, but in accordance with established order."
Thomas Gallatin writes in the Patriot Post that Lopez Obrador has declared " a platform that included a call for an end to the war on drugs, raising the minimum wage and free college...and that poor Mexicans should “leave their towns and find a life in the United States” — that it was their “human right.”
So much for help from Mexico as the US works to gain control of the southern border.
Gallatin's article highlights the economic motivation for the potential of mass immigration. "Moreover, an estimated 12% of the Mexican population now lives within the U.S. — and a huge number are here illegally. Not only are they benefiting from the American economy and welfare, but they are sending a whopping $30 billion annually back to Mexico. Is it any wonder Obrador is encouraging illegal immigration? By cracking down, he would not only stem a significant source of revenue but would also invite the wrath of the drug cartels whose illicit trade depends upon illegal immigration and human trafficking."
Looking for a reason to get on board with President Trump's push to build "the wall". You just got it.
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