Big Families/More Bills – Does That Speed Up Mom’s Mental Decline?
Hey, we're all getting older and those at 50+ are likely wondering what the future holds for our eventual cognitive and mental health.

Biggest Threat To Seniors
We know from polls and studies that Alzheimer’s is the Most-Feared Disease of Older Americans:
Retirees are more fearful of Alzheimer’s than infectious diseases such as COVID-19, as well as cancer, strokes or heart attacks...findings showed one-in-three (32 percent) of retirees listed Alzheimer’s as the chronic disease they feared most, 11 points higher than cancer and 13 points more than contagious diseases such as COVID-19.
Reason To Be Afraid
There's good reason for the fear ... studies show deaths due to Alzheimer’s between 2000 and 2019 have more than doubled, increasing 145%. During the same time period, deaths from heart disease (the nation’s No. 1 killer) increased just 7.3%.
Women Have It Worse
Measuring the Impact Of More Kids
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