McKinney’s Showdown – Gov. Inslee, Meet Your Match!
In 1968 controversial and eccentric artist Andy Warhol exhibited his first international exhibition at a gallery in Stockholm, Sweden. It was there his most famous quote first appeared and you no doubt have heard it said many times over the years since then, even if you didn't know the author.
Warhol's exhibition catalogue included the words, "In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes."
You have no doubt heard the expression that someone's 15 minutes was about up.
Well, with her fifteen minutes spent with Governor Jay Inslee yesterday (5-11-21) Yakima County Commissioner Amanda McKinney's "fifteen Minutes" is just getting started!
The commissioner appeared on KIT's Morning News radio show to share details of the meeting that she had to press the Governor's office herself to have arranged. She requested the media be allowed to attend. What could a little transparency hurt? Her request was denied so about the only place you'll get the full nature of the exchange is right here.
McKinney says she pushed Inslee to open the state and drop mask mandates like Iowa, Montana, Mississippi, Texas and Alabama have. Her point is that the vaccines are readily available, and she credits the Governor for that, but she says everyone who wants to be vaccinated by now, has already been. She says free Americans can make their own decisions about their health and that the government is overreaching its role.
Inslee is not a sovereign figure, he is an elected official, he works for us, he's not the people of Washington's "Great White Father". The emergency is over, the crises is being managed and it's time to let local officials like Commissioner Amanda McKinney and others get back to doing what they were elected to do
Her report on her meeting with the Governor is "Must Hear" material. Do yourself a favor and check it out!
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