Here we are, the first day of Spring! It’s nice. It’s the day we can all collectively flip the middle finger to the groundhog! The snow is gone (well, it is supposed to be, sorry everywhere, that it’s not). The temperature is warming up, the grass is turning green, flowers are blooming, and a certain Washington individual puts on his flower outfit and sings a welcoming song!

Check out the video below of Ian Hubert’s humorous song “I Think Its Nice,” with the music video by Ian and Janssen Solberg. Ian has been making waves in computer animation/VFX and writing and directing with several sci-fi projects. But it’s nice that he left goofball videos like “I Think Its Nice” available for people to check out and enjoy something he created in 2014.

One YouTube commenter sums it up perfectly:

No joke, I genuinely respect you for not taking down these videos even now that you're famous. You've got one heck of a secure personality. And your personality is what makes your videos so great!
– Young Hands Films




There’s a video that has been circulating the internet for a while, showing the power of green screens, and it comes from a project written and directed by Ian called Dynamo Dream. You can check that out below and follow Ian on his YouTube page.


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