It’s Time For Some Tax Relief In Washington State
Ah June, remember when, remember when the State found an extra tax dollar, then another and another and...ultimately `$2.6 billion more! Sheesh, time to stop milking that cash cow, isn't it?
Jason Mercier of the Washington Policy Center thinks so and he wrote about in an article in the Spokane Journal, "Washington’s quarterly revenue forecast in June showed yet another huge increase in tax revenue. This is $2.6 billion more than was previously expected when lawmakers wrote the 2021-23 budget earlier this year. We now have $2.6 billion reasons for lawmakers to finally provide broad-based tax relief to Washingtonians."
Tax relief? Do any liberal states even know what that is? Well, as a matter of fact they do and they are our neighbors on the Pacific Coast. Oregon residents stand to benefit from a rebate of $1.4 billion in the form of a credit against their 2021 taxes when they file next spring. Uber-liberal California is promising the largest state tax rebate in American history.--nearly $12 billion in total. And even Idaho got into the act with more than $435 million in tax relief for Idaho citizens—the single largest tax cut in state history.
Chris Cargill, the Eastern Washington Director of the Washington Policy Center was a guest on the KIT Morning News where he talked about and idea for a Washington State Tax rebate by way of a reduction in the State's portion of dales tax. Cargill says the State rate right now is 6.5% and Washington hasn't seen a rate reduction since 1982.
By reducing the state sales tax rate 0.1%, resident would save about $306 million. Double that to 0.2% and the always tax hungry legislature would still have $2 billion in extra unexpected revenue left over.
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