Is That His List…or Hers! – What Men Really Want For Christmas
The pressure is on. Hey Dave, find something "Christmas-y" to write about. Appeal to men, and make it unique and interesting. Hmmm. I think it's safe to say most of the fellas in the KIT listening audience fall into the category of what would traditionally be referred to as "men's men". So....let's go someplace different for inspiration, someplace like Reddit.
What's The Deal With Reddit?
Spend any time on Reddit? Me neither. The website digital friends says, "The site bills itself as the “front page of the internet,” and that’s not an empty boast: As of this writing, Reddit is the seventh most popular site in the U.S. and the 19th worldwide. So, what exactly is Reddit? Essentially, it’s a massive collection of forums where people can share news and content or comment on other people’s posts."
So basically, if it's out there, it's on here. Which might explain the topic I tripped over in this search. So here's the premise. Christmas shopping means trying to come up with ideas for gifts that people on your list will really like. But for the men on that list, some might want something you might not expect. (no really, a new gun, some ammo, some camo, some movie money, or a jumbo size (fits all) container of adult beverage would be just fine)
Exposing the "Secrets"!
This leads us to Reddit and this question posed on a forum there.
"Men, what sort of "non -masculine" gift do you secretly wish for?"
The keyword here is "secretly". Any of these on your SECRET list?
- Skincare stuff. Pamper me.
- One of those paraffin wax hand baths.
- A very soft big teddy bear, I have trouble sleeping at night.
- A mani-pedi. A massage. A freaking spa day.
- Flowers would be pretty nice
- Earrings
- I think they are called throw blankets? I don’t know, it’s the kind that go on the couch and is fake fur and super cozy
- Some bath salts would be nice. . . . Or a bath bomb
- Not really a gift, but compliments.
As I reviewed the reddit responses I was losing hope... until this turned up....
Than Heavens For House Plants
- I want two small cactus
Now I have some cactus because they look cool and they are the badass porcupines of the plant world....So that makes sense. And I will admit to being talked into getting one of those paraffin wax hand baths once several years ago. As a magician who needed to keep his "sleight-of-hands "in shape, it actually felt really great, so I could see that showing up on a list or two....but the rest? Hmmmm.
Maybe it's a generational thing. Whatever. Look, I hope you get what it is that's on your secret list -no judgment- and I hope this is your best Christmas ever! And if you see me in the spa next year, well...it isn't me!
LOOK: 20 tips to help your houseplants survive the winter
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