How Would You Feel About a Female President? [POLL]
Who's on the horizon for a possible presidential run from the "fairer sex"? (using the archaic phrase "fairer sex" is meant to be a little provocative poke, so let's all chill)
Will Hillary run again? How about Senator Kamala Harris or Senator Elizabeth Warren? What about Senator Kirsten Gillibrand or Senator Amy Klobuchar? How would you feel about any of these women - or ANY woman - as President?
Axiso reports on a new study from Kantar Public found that just 52 percent of Americans say they'd feel "very comfortable" having a woman as president, barely over half.
Broken down by gender, 60 percent of women said they'd be comfortable with it, but only 45 percent of men. The Reykjavik Index for Leadership ranks the U.S. third among the G7 Western nations in terms of the percentage of people who'd be comfortable with a female head of state, behind the U.K. at 58 percent and Canada at 57 percent, but ahead of Italy (42 percent), France (40 percent), Germany (26 percent) and Japan (23 percent).
Both the U.K. and Germany currently have female heads of state.
What do you think? Click here to take our poll.