Healthier? Happier? Focus On A Friend!
My best friend in High School was a grade ahead of me. Like me, he grew up on a farm, liked to hunt ducks and play sports. His name is Cliff and he is the poster-guy for work ethic, family values, patriotism and everything old school and great about America. I have so much respect for him and how he has lived his life. Turns out he even gets credit for how I live mine!
University of Virginia researchers took a ten-year look at the lives of 150+ people ages 15 to 25. The results of their study showed that people who maintained one best friend over the years led healthier, happier lives compared to those who were focused on climbing the social ladder.
Researchers believed that that close friendships compared to broader friendship groups and general popularity may not impact us in the same way. The study results indicate that being successful in one is not necessarily the same as being successful in the other. (Elite Daily)
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