Even The Name “Donald” Is Unpopular!
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You probably didn’t have to be The Amazing Kreskin to have predicted this. When it comes to naming that brand new bouncing baby boy, "Donald" was a less popular baby name last year than in any other year in the last century according to new federal data.
Back in 1934, 30,400 newborns were christened with the proud name of Donald. Fast forward to 2016, the year “of the Donald” and his Presidential election and federal records show just 621 babies were named Donald. (That’s with OR without “crazy hair”)
While we’re looking at baby names, all four versions of the name "Caitlyn" fell out of the top 1,000 most popular names. Note to my daughter Katelyn, perhaps you get to have a name as unique as you are! (Time/Fox Business)
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