I was in a debate at work the other day talking about what does today's DEMOCRAT party stand for.  It was an interesting exchange and in the end, my friend had to agree, the left is more against things than it is for them.

While that appears to be just fine for millions on the left, it does leave the door open for those who would like their ideology on a higher and more honest plane.  A Facebook page for the Unsilent Minority introduces a group who joined the left for what they say are some specific reasons and now have decided to walk away for those very same reasons.

The Patriot Post presented a brief article and a video about the  #WalkAway campaign.

"The #WalkAway campaign kicked off with this video about why this man is walking away from liberalism and the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has taken for granted that it owns racial, sexual and religious minorities in America. It has encouraged groupthink, hypocrisy, division, stereotyping, resentment and the acceptance of victimhood mentality. And all the while, they have discouraged minorities from having independent thought, open dialogue, measured and informed opinion, and a motivation to succeed."



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