Covid Conclusion – Persistent Fatigue
Once of the interesting finds is that even the milder cases with patients who did not require hospitalization reported this lasting sense of fatigue.
"More specifically, researchers used the Chalder Fatigue Score, a commonly used scale to determine fatigue in recovered patients.... nearly 56% of patients assessed required hospitalization while 44.5% did not. By the end, the researchers determined that more than half of participants — 52.3% reported “persistent fatigue” even after they had recovered from the illness,"
It also turns out that females and those with a pre-existing diagnosis of depression or anxiety were among a higher percentage of those who reported persistent fatigue. More than two-thirds of those who reported persistent fatigue were women.
The study leaders conclude it's all the more important to get a good follow up study on patients recovering from COVID-19 for symptoms of severe fatigue, regardless of how severely the initial illness progressed.
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