CMN Rides Again- Give Us A Call And Donate!
Another day, another dollar...uh, make that thousands of dollars! The Children's Miracle Network radiothon is back tomorrow (10/16/2020) on KIT from 6am to 1pm with a goal of raising tons of cash for kids and families.
The Radiothon is part of a nationwide fund raising campaign to support local hospital activities in designated "Children's Hospitals" around the country. Yakima's Virginia Mason Memorial (VMM) is one such hospital and ALL the money raised locally stays locally to help sustain programs and services at the Birthing Center, Pediatrics Unit Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Children's Village.
KIT has supported the fundraising effort for nearly 20 years and this year our Townsquare media sister stations are joining us to help coax out a few donations from their generous listeners.
The Coronavirus has changed the financial landscape for many so we cant know how much money we'll raise but we do know that the generous giving spirit of Yakima will do all it can sustain The Village.
We hope you'll enjoy hearing the stories of kids, families and medical professionals -some you may know as next door neighbors- as they tell us just how important VMM has been to them and our community.
So thanks to Rush and Sean for letting us encroach on their Friday and Thanks in advance to you for your ears and your generosity. There is plenty of uncertainty in society but kids can't wait. Kids get sick every day, babies in trouble are born every day, accidents happen every day...so we need YOU our everyday heroes to saddle up and ride with us on the radio this Friday.
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