Can Boys Get Better Grades? Sure, Just Add Girls!
Finding consistency in studies about education can be difficult but it’s an important inquiry. We all want the best possible environment in which our kids can succeed.
Now there’s another new study that seems to offer hope for better learning by boys –BUT- could it be at the expense of girls?
A new study published in the journal School Effectiveness and School Improvements reveals there's one thing boys can have at school that can improve their academic performance and interestingly enough it’s girls.
Researchers looked at reading test scores of more than 200,000 15-year-olds from over 8,000 mixed-sex schools around the world. What they discovered was that the boy’s reading performance was significantly better in schools where more than 60 percent of the students were female. (Hey Marta, come watch me read?)
Educational scientists say boys are strongly influenced by learning environment and having more girls in the school makes the learning environment more productive noting that girls are generally more focused and have more motivation to do well.
Good for the guys but plenty of other studies show that girls may perform better in school without the attention from boys! Now what? (EurekaAlert)