Ca. Peach Growers Breed for Mechanization & Invest Rural America Act
**With the rising cost of labor and shortage of workers to hand-pick fruit, California canning peach growers are looking to science for solutions.
They’re breeding new varieties that are firm and flavorful and could lead to greater adoption of harvest mechanization.
U.C., Davis geneticist, Thomas Gradziel says new varieties are essential to make peach farming economically sustainable.
For over 30 years, growers have funded his breeding to develop new and improved clingstone peach varieties.
**The Investing in Rural America Act was introduced in the House of Representatives, and the Farm Credit Council is thankful.
FCC President Todd Van Hoose says, this legislation will spur the development of critical facilities in rural communities, like hospitals, childcare centers, and schools.
He also says the bill will facilitate partnerships between Farm Credit, community banks, and other lenders to provide much-needed capital.
**The USDA is accepting offers for nearly 2.7 million of the 4.6 million acres offered, from agricultural producers and private landowners in this year’s Grassland Conservation Reserve Program signup.
The working lands program allows producers and landowners to continue grazing and haying practices while protecting grasslands and furthering the CRP’s impacts.
Farm Service Administrator, Zach Ducheneaux says, this year’s signup demonstrates the continued popularity and success in voluntary, producer-led, working lands conservation programs.
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