Both Sides Agree – Uptown Funk Crosses the Great Political Divide!
As we search for some thread to unite the left and right in this country, some researchers have looked to music.
Google "music is a universal language" and you'll discover even on that generally accepted point of view, not all the experts agree.
There is however a new study about music that sheds some interesting light on how music preferences play out in politics.
“The Contemporary Music SuperStudy,” examined the interest in contemporary music among 1,000 12- to 54-year-olds across the United States and Canada.
* Country music appeals more to Trump supporters
*If you like Hip Hop/R&B, chances are pretty good you have negative perceptions of the president
* Pop is the one sound that fans of all other contemporary styles find appealing.
*The great unifier would appear to be “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars with both Trump haters and supporters liking that song the most,
The people who conducted the study, Coleman Insights, say the results demonstrates that age, gender, ethnicity, geography, and political views all influence our music tastes and it shows Pop music may be the one thing we can all agree upon.
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