Blood Drive At Elks Lodge In Selah
About a month ago Congressman Dan Newhouse organized a blood drive and my wife made appointments for the two of us to give blood.
We both had given blood before but there was a different feeling about giving blood in the face of the Coronavirus . It was a very satisfying experience. Maybe you would like to find out for yourself?
The Selah Elks Lodge, in cooperation with the American Red Cross is having a bold drive, Wednesday June 24th from 11:00-4:00.
The blood drive will take place at the lodge at 318 Golf Course Loop Rd south of Selah.
You can register on-line at redcrossblood.org . When filling out the on-line form use 98942 for the area and then follow the prompts. Appointments will be made in 15 min increments.
The usual Coronavirus prohibitions are in effect with social distancing enforced & face masks available and required.
There will me no more than 3 blood draws at one time but in that 1 hour of total time you can save up to 3 lives by simply giving blood!
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