The State of Washington has mandated masks for students and teachers indoors regardless of vaccination status.  BUT go outside and themust- mask deal is off?  I'm not complaining, just curious. I guess ther's some scientific eveidence showing kids won't get close to each other at recess?   Is there a No-Tag mandate? How about a sanitize-between-taking-turns-holding-the-jump rope- mandate?  What am I missing?

Ok, let's move on. I'm sure it will all come together when we move to the football and soccer fields.. Oh and the stage and the bandroom. Right?

This is from Ryan Ibach, Chief Operating Office for the Yakima County in a letter to the County Board of Health. The State has reached the following conclusions:

Masks are not required for athletes while competing in low-contact or moderate-contact sports indoors, regardless of vaccination status.

Masks are not required for fully vaccinated athletes competing in high-contact indoor sports. Masks are not required for unvaccinated athletes competing in high-contact indoor sports if they participate in screening testing.                 

Universal masking is required indoors when not practicing or competing.

Masks are not required for outdoor sports of any contact level  

 All coaches, athletic trainers, and other support personnel involved with sporting activities must wear face coverings indoors in K-12 settings, regardless of vaccination status.         

Masking is required universally for all spectators attending indoor K-12 sporting activities, regardless of vaccination status. Audience members should be seated in “family units” and those small groups should be spaced at least 3 feet apart.

Screening testing is required for all unvaccinated athletes in high contact indoor sports (basketball, wrestling, water polo).

Aerosol-producing musicians, e.g., singers, woodwinds and brass, speech/debate, and theater performers are required to wear appropriate masks/face coverings and/or use appropriate bell covers while performing.                 

I'm not sure I get the total logic here.  The vaccinated boys in the choir will need appropriate masks/face coverings, but the unvaccinated guys at the bottom of the giant pile of guys stacked up on each other during a goal-line stand don't?

I'm confused...but at least we will have football, and choir and the chance for a semi- normal senior year for thousands of Yakima Valley kids....maybe.  These things are "fluid!"

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