Ag News: Winning Trade War
**Based on recent job numbers, it looks like the U.S. is winning the trade war.
The U.S. stock market is up, marginally, while the Chinese stock market is headed in the opposite direction in a bear market.
Forbes.com reports, the trade war has resulted in companies here stockpiling inventory out of concerns President Trump will make good on his threats to increase tariffs on everything China exports to the U.S. with the trade gap on the rise.
**Mixed reactions after the EPA issued new rules for the use of dicamba formulations in dicamba-tolerant crops in the Roundup Xtend System.
According to agriculture.com, companies make and sell dicamba like Bayer Crop and BASF are pleased, University and Extension scientists have questions and concerns, and the Save Our Crops Coalition, a collection of farmers growing tomatoes and other crops, is not happy.
Iowa State Extension weed specialist, Bob Hartzler says the EPA is in a tough spot. No matter what they do, someone with criticize.
**President Trump wants to reach an agreement on trade with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G-20 nations summit in Argentina later this month and, according to people familiar with the matter, has asked key U.S. officials to begin drafting potential terms.
Agweb.com reports, the push for a possible deal with China was prompted by the president’s recent telephone call with Xi requesting anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.
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