Ag News: Trump Tariff Support
**Is political support for President Trump wavering? Many of his biggest supporters live in rural America, but recent actions and words on trade are starting to hit farmers and ranchers in their pocketbooks.
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall tells Agri-Pulse, in one way, we’re very proud of this president, but in another, we’re very nervous.
But, Duvall says most producers are “still holding tough” in hopes we see better-than-ever ag trade.
**A California judge has ruled glyphosate does not need a label warning stating it causes cancer, denying an amendment to Prop 65, requiring any product known to cause cancer be labeled.
But in his ruling, reports U.S. District Court Judge William Shuff states: It is inherently misleading for a warning to state a chemical is known to cause cancer based on the finding of just one organization.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer found only that glyphosate is ‘probably’ carcinogenic when every other regulatory body found the opposite.
**The Senate Ag Committee passed its 2018 Farm Bill on a 20-1 vote.
The Senate version shows bipartisan support for maintaining overall conservation funding on private lands, strengthening conservation compliance, and fully funding the Voluntary Public Access program to enhance hunting and fishing opportunities.
Provisions in the House Farm Bill don’t currently match this Senate version, but sportsmen’s groups hope to build a conservation title that pulls the best features of each into a Farm Bill.