Ag News: Poinsettias & Coronavirus and USTR Trade Updates
**Although Christmas is six months away, poinsettia growers are already deciding how many plants to prepare for the coming holidays, made challenging by the pandemic.
At least one Central California nursery announced it won't grow poinsettias this year, but others say they're either maintaining or increasing production, assuming people may still want poinsettias to brighten their holiday decor.
**In testimony before two Congressional hearings, Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer outlined a number of trade-related achievements.
Lighthizer said he anticipates China will meet its phase-one commitments, including the purchase of $40 billion in ag products.
On the USMCA, which goes into effect today, he says the U.S. would take action "early and often" to challenge any violations.
The U.S. is currently in trade discussions with the UK and the EU.
**A pair of Senate Democrats, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, are pressing American meatpackers to disclose how much pork, beef and chicken they’ve shipped to China during the pandemic while warning of possible meat shortages at home.
The scrutiny of companies like Tyson, JBS, and Smithfield, comes after thousands of meatpacking workers were infected with COVID-19.
agweb.com reports, over 112-thousand tons of U.S. pork was exported to China in April, more than any other month before and up 257% from last year.
China's demand for protein soared after a fatal pig disease decimated its herd.
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