Ag News: Cornucopia Hydroponic Greenhouses
**Cornucopia Farms is completing its first hydroponic greenhouse, with production of lettuce and herbs starting in October.
Thepacker.com reports, the 56,000-square-foot facility in Avera, Georgia, about two hours east of Atlanta, will grow lettuces, including romaine, bibb and red and green leaf.
Expansion plans have already been set, growing to 112,000 square feet in the first quarter of 2021, and eventually to 660,000 square feet.
Projections put production at 12 million heads of lettuce and two million pounds of culinary herbs a year.
**Impacts of the pandemic continue to reverberate through the meat business.
An American Farm Bureau Federation analysis shows the gap between the retail price and farm price of beef is the largest in 50 years of recordkeeping and a similar gap exists in pork.
While pandemic-related demand boosted retail prices, slowdowns at meat processing plants led to a backup of animals in the marketing chain that drove farmers' prices down.
**Florida Farm Bureau Federation will contribute nearly 121,000 jars of peanut butter to Florida food banks statewide to help families facing hunger due to the pandemic.
Florida Farm Bureau is working with Peanut Proud to deliver 84 pallets of peanut butter to Feeding Florida food banks.
The shipments will be to Feeding Tampa Bay, Feeding Northeast Florida, Feeding the Gulf Coast, and Second Harvest of the Big Bend, covering 36 counties.
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