Ag News: Bayer Delays Roundup Settlement and Prime Cattle Grades Up
**Bayer was forced last week to delay part of a proposed settlement of allegations that its widely used weed killer Roundup caused cancer after a U.S. judge questioned its plan to deal with future claims.
The German company tells agrimarketing.com, lawyers representing those preparing a class action had withdrawn a request for court approval of the $1.25 billion future claims scheme, part of a broader $10.9 billion agreement to settle close to 100,000 U.S. lawsuits related to Roundup.
**As the pandemic sends shock waves through the agricultural economy, the long-term driver of California farmland values remains access to reliable water supplies.
Speakers at an online agricultural business conference said local agencies face a "daunting task" of balancing water supplies with demand.
Agencies will work to increase supplies and will likely employ solutions that include land idling and water markets.
**A significant impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the beef industry has been an increase in the number of carcasses grading Prime.
According to agweb.com, COVID-19 infections at packing facilities caused a significant reduction in spring slaughter, delaying harvest of many market-ready cattle.
USDA reported cattle grading Prime in March and April at just over 10%. May data shows just over 12%, compared to just 8% in May of 2019, and June’s weekly average was 10.62% compared to just 7.04% last year.
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