Ag News: Alabama CAFO Permits Streamlined
**Owners of concentrated animal feeding operations in Alabama have a new streamlined permit registration process, thanks to standards approved in December.
www.alfafarmers.org reports, the new state permit regulations, issued through the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, require a qualified credentialed professional inspection once every five years.
All technical requirements, such as buffers, land application, recordkeeping and best management practices, are unchanged. Previously, inspections were required annually.
**The House Ag Committee has proposed an extension until Sept. 30 of the temporary 15% increase in SNAP benefits.
According to www.agriculture.com, Chairman David Scott also included a sweeping proposal for the government to pay off USDA loans and USDA-guaranteed loans held by socially disadvantaged farmers.
Scott unveiled the $16.1-billion package, which would become part of a $1.9-billion coronavirus relief bill, ahead of a committee vote scheduled for Wednesday.
The package also has $3.6 billion for food donations to fight hunger and to protect food system workers from COVID-19.
**The Arctic blast across most of the U.S. put some chill in the cheese trade.
www.dairyherd.com reports, the CME spot trade had cheddar barrels hold unchanged at $1.50 per lb. but Blocks fell 3 ¾ cents to $1.62 ¾, but there was nice volume.
Class III milk struggled to move higher. February fell 13 cents to $15.48, March fell 23 cents, and April fell 36 cents.
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