25 Kids Per Hour Go To The E.R. With A Bike Injury!
On the unofficial long list of fun summertime activities, right there near the top, you'll find riding a bike. My daughter Kate just got a new bike and she's excited about a little extra transportational freedom. She wasn't interested in learning to peddle when she was 5 or 6 so now at 9 we are wading in s-l-o-w-l-y without training wheels.
So then Dad here finds this -- Learning to ride a two-wheeler can be tough, so it's no surprise that 2.2 million American children were treated in emergency departments for bicycle-related injuries over a ten-year period.
Researchers from the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio say that equates to about 25 children getting treatment for these types of injuries each hour.
So THAT'S why mom bought a helmet that was almost as expensive as the bike!
Researchers say that the rate of injury has declined over the course of the study but add that far too many children are being seriously hurt on their bikes.
The best prescription for prevention is a well-fitted helmet. Parents should look for a helmet with a sticker showing it is certified by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.