Your Yakima Dream Home Could be Just $100 Bucks Away!
Like the Washington State Lottery used to say. "Some Lucky Dog is gonna Win It!"
And just how cool would that be?!

Win A Home Raffle Is Back
Perry Technical Institute (Perry Tech) in Yakima, WA, is announcing the next chapter in their ‘Win a Home’ Raffle scholarship program.
Perry Tech has received approval from the Washington State Gambling Commission and will hold a new ‘Win A Home’ raffle. The program is sponsored by Wheeler Rock Products and the ticket sales benefit student scholarships.
Here's how it works. The brand new home will be built at 7204 Vista Ridge Ave. Yakima, WA, where even the construction of the home is a learning experience for Perry Tech students working in their specialties.
All Hand On Decking And Roofing And Electrical...
Students from the Construction & Carpentry, Electrical Technology, Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, and Plumbing Technician programs will once again collaborate to build the 2,564 square foot home. While the work is being done, ticket sales are underway for the big raffle next year on Saturday, February 25, 2023.
Tickets are available on the Perry Tech campus from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm weekdays for one cool crisp Benjamin...that's one hundred dollars to us baby boomers.
Get Your Raffle Tickets Here
Perry Tech also has plans to host a community ticket-sales event on Friday, April 15, from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm on the Perry Tech main campus located at 2011 W. Washington Avenue in Yakima. At the event, the first 100 participants will receive a gift with the purchase of a raffle ticket in addition to prize drawings for attendees. Food trucks will be onsite, and a dining area will be available.
Perry Tech Says:
A total of 7,000 tickets are available for sale, and a minimum 5,000 tickets will need to be sold in order to raffle off the estimated $400,000 West Valley Yakima home. If the 5,000-ticket threshold is not met, the raffle will revert to a 50/50 drawing, less expenses.
Bonus Raffle Prizes
New this year, as an added incentive, regardless of the number of tickets sold, Perry Tech will raffle additional prizes for ticket purchasers including a patio set and dual BBQs donated by Fosseen’s Home & Hearth valued at more than $10,000, a 1-carat diamond ring donated by Dunbar Jewelers valued at $10,000, and an electric lawn mower donated by Stein’s Ace Hardware that is valued at $399.
Christine Coté, President of Perry Technical Institute:
We are very excited to have this amazing opportunity to once again hold the ‘Win a Home’ scholarship campaign...To be able to say we gave away a home that was built by our students is something truly special, and we couldn’t have done it without the support from all our sponsors and community members who really stepped up for our students. With Wheeler Rock Products and a number of our longtime supporters already committed to this project, I am excited to think we can raffle another magnificent home right here in the Yakima Valley
This Could Be You
Last Year Perry Tech sold more than the minimum number of tickets required in order to raffle the home. The successful home giveaway was reported to be a first for the State of Washington when valley resident Tony Serrano was the randomly drawn lucky winner.
A complete list of rules and continuously updated sales locations can be found by visiting perrytech.edu/raffle. For more information, contact the Perry Technical Foundation at 509.453.0374 or by email to: foundation@perrytech.edu.
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