Yakima’s Winter Shelter Could Be Open Year Round
The Yakima hearing examiner today will hear comments from the public about a proposal to open a permanent homeless shelter at 1702 Englewood Avenue. Since November officials from Transform Yakima Together have been operating the winter shelter in that building but now they want to keep it open on a permanent basis. After Today's meeting that starts at 9:00 a.m. at Yakima City Hall the hearing examiner has 10 days to make a decision.
If Transform Yakima Together is granted approval they say they'll begin a construction project to prepare for year round use.
If the request for a permanent location isn't granted the group will re-open Camp Hope for the summer and fall months. It's located on East Nob Hill on city property behind the former K-Mart property.
Any decision by the hearing examiner can be appealed to the Yakima City Council.