One measure of a community's quality of life is the condition and nature of its Parks and Recreation program and facilities.

So how is Yakima doing?

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Meet The Master Plan

We are about to find out.  The draft Yakima Parks and Recreation’s 2022-2027 Comprehensive Master Plan will be presented at a 6 pm public hearing during the regular Yakima City Council meeting next Tuesday, Feb. 15th.

 This isn't just the brainstorm of Parks and Rec staff but the 200+ page report features results from a community survey conducted last summer.

You can find the DRAFT of the plan here -- City Council to Receive Parks Comp Plan | News – City of Yakima (

Public Input Was Critical To The Process

So what do some of your friends and neighbors want to see included in the park's picture moving forward?  Here's some of the public comments.

Why do you and your family choose to go to the parks  • Festivals • my dog • Water walking at Lions pool  • Disc golf  • Ducks, friendly people, bike trail suitable for young kids • Skate Park • playground equipment • Access to walking path • Dog park.

Please tell us why Yakima City Parks and Recreation facilities are important to you.  • pool •  Exercise and time with dogs • A new exciting place for my kids to explore and get energy out! • Gives me a safe place for my children to play. Gets us out of the house.  • A fun place for my family to interact  • Gives a place to have a picnic or party • Duck feeding

What Parks and Recreation facilities and amenities would you like to see increased?  • parking space • Skateparks and Splashpad in WV (2) •  nature based playgrounds for younger kids like toddlers, community gardens (high on my list of wishes for Yakima) • shade • Yakima needs an Ice Rink • I would love to see the play structures covered so they are usable even in summer.

The lists go on and on and there is a ton of information to be incorporated to the plans. The draft includes the plans and costs as well.  Check out the deatils on what could make for an exciting future for Yakima's Parks and Recreation Division. City Council to Receive Parks Comp Plan | News – City of Yakima (

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